Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation
Disruptive Thinking
A campaign to turn hate language on its head
Messaging, digital & print promotional campaign
The Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation was established by Dr. Peter Jepson-Young just prior to his death in 1992. As his condition deteriorated, he resolved to inform and educate the public and
others living with HIV/AIDS in part through a groundbreaking 111-episode docuseries televised on the CBC Evening News, The Dr. Peter Diaries.
In 2003, the Foundation fulfilled Dr. Peter’s vision of establishing a HIV Day Health Program in Vancouver, providing care and services to over 350 Day Health Program participants and 50
residents annually.

The World AIDS Day promotional campaign combats the dehumanizing stigma of HIV/AIDS still prevalent in our society.
Augmented by stunning portraiture by Jamie-Lee Fuoco, Rare created a print and digital campaign depicting positive, edifying statements visually extracted from commonplace hate language, creating a jarring shift in messaging from negative to positive.